Clearly the Verizon Network has never been to HPC! They really aught to come! Its great up here...except for the cell phone reception.
Pastor Josh's cell phone has terrible reception! Please still call me, but my phone will most likely go straight to voicemail. Never fear though! It lets me know right away that I have a message and so I just have to go to this one special spot I've found where I can get a cell signal and I'll call you back as soon as I can!
Pastor Josh's #571-230-2762
We do not know yet how David's cell phone will work, but I am guessing the same rule will apply as for me.
David Salazar's #571-830-0716
Remember, if you just want a quick update on your child or you just have a quick question, you can always email us. We will be checking it every couple hours each day while I'm working on the blog.
Pastor Josh: David Salazar:
You may also email either of us at the addresses above a letter for your child and we will print it out on my printer and give it to the camp to hand out during mail call!
Lastly, but certainly not the least, the greatest way to stay in touch with what's happening is just keep an eye on this blog!!