Shocking Trends

Local news media has been following the trends of young people for many years and has recently discovered a rather shocking trend that is picking up real speed in a small demographic area in the northern Pennsylvania area. Apparently there is a trend among young people ages 8-12 to possess strong desires to answer all questions from local media with the word "argh" and line up at the nurse's station for a hand hook fitting.

Katelyn Artiles, pictured here, after taking a wild ride on the lake and getting a minor boo boo to her foot, decided to opt for a peg leg from the nurse's station instead of a simple foot wrap. Such behavior seems rather extreme to local residents and news media isn't sure how this will affect her future professional career as a soccer player.

It hasn't become apparent to local media what the reasoning is yet behind this strange behavior, but they are working hard to find answers and calm the parental masses as to where such behavior is coming from and provide solutions on how they are to buy shoes for their peg-legged children and conduct family devotions when their son's will only say "argh!"