Now the rogue reporter has been known to do a thrill rush from time to time, like going into a room full of preschoolers with a box of candy, and he has stepped up to the challenge and gone off the intimidating zip line at camp in a previous year, however, he prefers keeping both feet on the ground and collecting interviews of 8 to 11 year old crazies who live for the thrill of throwing themselves off the side of a several story high structure and out over a lake being suspended by just one cable.
Two such adrenaline junkies are Bailey Small and Sion Kim, both reported to have already gone "over the edge" five times by day two...must be something in their iced-frape- moca-latte-double shot-capachino-whatever -they-call-them drinks.
Cianna Sullivan being interview by the rogue reporter before scaring the life out of her parents. You can see her full interview by clicking here.