The Great Flood, I mean the Great Trip of 08 was never again to flood the earth...I mean flood our lives with a fourteen hour bus ride...I am pleased to announce that I am now reporting live from High Point Camp! We all made it safe and sound with all our stuff and we did the trip in a little over four hours. Yay! We all cheared when our busdriver Dave, (a CBC member!) pulled our big bus around the corner and we saw the HPC sign!!
Well, its been a very long day for Pastor Josh trying to keep up with everyone and everything, (thank the Lord for Michelle McDermott who rode along with me and assisted me at the restaurant and the checking in- she was a God-send!) so for tonight I'm going to check out, very much in need of sleep...
I did get some good stuff already to post here...some pictures and video, so things will start going up here rather quickly starting tomorrow morning! See you all on the blog then!