An added bonus of Pastor Josh having us as assistants is that as females, we can give you parents a sneak peek into the cabins of your girls (well, there’s nothing really sneaky about it, since I had to ask for a tour). So I brought my camera with me to Woodside, a big building that houses many of the girl cabins, and was given a tour* of Cabin 7 by Sion Kim, Bailey Small, Marie Dill, and some new friends. And let me tell you guys, I bet they keep their cabin way cleaner than their rooms. Which is actually not that surprising, considering that the cleanest rooms get to eat lunch first, while the dirtiest rooms eat last and are left with the odds and ends of the now-cold meal. Maybe if the same incentives were given at home, the house would be a lot cleaner (which is a tip that you did NOT get from me, especially if the kids ask).

*We will post up the actual video tour of the cabin as soon as possible; the internet connection here is difficult to work with at times, so please be patient :)