I hope that all you parents have enjoyed this blog experiment this year. This was a new effort and a first for CBC and the HPC experience. I would consider yourselves blessed! No other parent of any of the other some 250 campers has gotten an inside look into the life of a High Point camper and been able to send correspondance as you have been able to. Again, thanks goes to Steve Cone for allowing me to stay all week at camp for free in one of the guest rooms and for allowing me to do as I please (which meant doing this blog) instead of making me earn my keep by doing dishes!
We will be seeing everyone shortly. We leave at around 9am, expecting to arrive back at CBC around 2:30ish. We will begin calling parents when we are within an hour of the church. Some of you will get calls later out, some closer to the actual arrival time depending on how long it takes me to get over forty phone calls made using one cell phone!
This blog has been brought to you by the local media team of CBC..."blogging" off until next year!