Online Photos and Video


Capital Baptist Church photos are regularly uploaded to an online storage website called Snapfish. You will be able to find pictures from most of our church happenings here including KidsTown Live!, Summerfest, VBS and more importantly right now, High Point Camp!!

In order to access the photo albums you will need to follow the link below. When you arrive at the Snapfish site, you will need to go to the "Log In" button and enter this email address: and then enter this password: capital. A few of the albums will be seen automatically. To see all the albums, click on the "view all by date" link on the left side under "photo library". Once in please enjoy the photos, previewing what you like, copying what you wish to your computer's hard drive, or purchasing photo reprints and items through Snapfish, however, please do not edit or delete any of the photos as this will mess things up for everyone who tries to access the pictures. We do not wish to ever have to pull this feature from our site due to vandalism.

To save a picture to your computer, click on the photo you wish in the album. After it enlarges, you can right click on the image and select "Save Picture As". This will open a dialogue box that will show a place somewhere on your computer's hard drive that you can change or save directly to. You will probably also want to rename the image's name when you go to save it. You can also select in the blue sidebar the option to "get prints" which will give you the option to print photos to your home printer. You can also email the pictures to yourself or friends using the "share" feature also in the blue sidebar. All the other possibilities we will let you play around with and discover!

Link to Snapfish: Photos (once in, click on "Log In")
**You will need: email- and password- capital**


Some of our HPC videos will make it right on this site, while others will be outsourced onto the video sharing website we use, called Vimeo.
In order to view the files, you will need to go to and then click on the "log in" words at the top of the page in the black tab. You will be taken to a new page with two white boxes in the top right. The top is for an email address. You need to type in "" In the next box you need to type in the password: capital. Then click the "log in" box and you will be taken to all our videos that have been posted. All HPC videos for this year will be marked with a "HPC11" tag so you can use the search box at the top to locate all and only the current camp videos if you wish.