A favorite of every animal lover in camp, the stables are the place to be for the rising equestrian. With such fun names as Strawberry and Poco, these gentle horses can be seen taking campers on a relaxing stroll through the trees during free time from Tuesday through Friday. A few of our CBC girls went on a ride together, and we were able to get a few pictures of their ride. While Marie Dill, Nerissa Baroni, Mika Naylor, and Lillie Orlando were getting comfortable on their rides, Brooke McDermott made sure to give her horse a good rub and some intense mental pep talks prior to the walk. Bailey Small on the other hand, with her matching sulasses and riding helmet, as well as her coordinated outfit (picked, I’m sure, to match her horse’s color and the surrounding scenery), was all set and ready to depart before her fellow riders. With their affinity for horses, perhaps these girls will be the first CBC Saddle Club members!