You know my Momma used to use the statement, "You are what you eat" when I was a boy to try to get me to eat my greens. She said I'd grow big and strong if I did so. This leaves me to wonder what you become when you eat things other than greens...I *think* Pastor Steve has preached on that a couple time ;) *wink wink
Local media caught up with a couple girls, Jasmine, Chryne, Katelyn, and Bailey to ask them if they understood the concept my Momma taught me. Local media believes that they do, but they simply don't care about the end result when candy is involved. In fact, they actually seem to prefer such an outcome. The one known as "Chryne" appeared to be the calming influence in the group and the "small"-est one in the group appeared to have become a real, well, you can watch the video!
Several other reports are coming in on "wild child" behavior. Could we be ushering in a new 60's era? Local media believes there is still hope for this generation! In one of her moments of reasonable sanity, we later found this once wild child calmly enjoying a giant pretzel with mustard.