There was a song by a Christian artist named Carmen years ago that was entitled, "Who's in the House?" A question posted by a parent that I'm here to answer is what do the living quarters look like. Well, the boys cabins are very rustic "cabin-ish" with bunk beds and box fans that hold about ten campers and the girls cabins are more cottage like with A/C. Their size and styles range from small cottage, to two story houses, to a massive three story building. All the building photos will be posted on Snapfish so you're camper can show you when they get home where they stayed! Now Pastor Josh, always ever in the proverbial "dog house" took up residence in the living quarters pictured here...just kiding!

The other cabin pictured here is that of Maryland and the home of the reigning champs for messiest cabin, media believes for three days straight. Fearing what might be found inside, media did not venture in to photograph the interior.