I think we've all heard such sad phrases as, "It wasn't meant to be" and "It wasn't supposed to end that way." Well, for this blog, in my mind and plan, expectations were so much more grand...so many more good articles from great pictures that I knew you all would have loved to read, but time fell short and today didn't go as I'd planned...heat was affecting camera and equipment, sporadic internet, etc. And in these last few hours instead of blogging, I was needed as a pastor instead...to comfort tear-filled eyes of the hurting, homesick, or those just afraid for family and the future. This evening I was reminded of my previous blogs on Being a Kid and Simple Pleasures and I felt the drawing back of God to what was really important- the children and not this blog. I hope you will understand if maybe your child was M.I.A. on the blog this week or not much was shared. Maybe I'll still post the rest of my memories and all will get to still see what I had in mind, except now with your former camper by your side at the computer filling in all the details that local media missed. To local media, this sounds like the best deal anyway, having family by your side instead of miles apart. Thank you for allowing me the opportunity to share life with your children and thank you God for the moments this week when I was able to be more than just a blogger.
Will be seeing all you Moms and Dads soon,
Signing off on the HPC experience of 2010,
~local media