The director of camp, Steve Cone, is a proud daddy of three kids none of which will ever have to worry about being too young to attend HPC. Such a situation reminds me of my camp days in which my parents worked at a summer camp for a month out of every summer. I can remember being only four years old and running around camp with all the "big kids." I can also remember being too little to make the trip all the way across the camp to the swimming pool. It seemed so far away to me! Thankfully I was always "adopted" by the counselors of the camp and I rarely walked to the pool, most of the time prefering to ride atop the shoulders of one of my counselors I idolized. They were so good to me as a little kid underfoot all the time. It was memories like these that shaped my love of camp and year's later, the love and attention that I had received from my counselors was transfered by myself to the next generation. It causes me to stop and think, how is the way we are interacting with young children shaping our future? I can only imagine what kind of counselors little Celeste and her brother Finn will one day become because of the constant love, attention, and ecouragement to live for Jesus that they receive daily from so many positive role models all around them.

I hope one day some of my church's kids get to be in Celeste's Cabin and Finn's Cabin =)