One thing I am especially glad for is my extra help this year. Each way I have (and will have) the assistance of two ladies. Special thanks goes to Reina and Jhiovana for their help on the way up to camp and in advance, Bibiana and Nina, for your help on the return trip. Also assisting this year and staying at camp all week, is David Salazar, son of our Spanish Pastor. His primary function this week at camp is as Pastor Josh's stunt double on the blob and the giant wave. No seriously, he is the contact person for all the Spanish families and he will be posting to the new spanish high point camp blog all week: I am very glad to have his help.

One other thing that the kids will become a lot more glad for on our return trip will be the air conditioning on the bus. After a whole week of fun in the sun, they will be more than anxious to chill out on the bus on the way home =) However, on the trip up, two of our girls Destinee and Diarra decided it was too chilly on the bus ride and made for themselves a pretty fun tent to keep out the cold!