As I sat last night working on setting up the blog for this year, I could hear off in the distance the sound of cheering children and then very abrupt stops in the cheering. And then I would hear the cheers again, followed by an abrupt halt in the cheers. Having been here many times before, I new this could only mean one thing. Our beloved friend and camp pastor Ed Dunlop was back. Last year, Ed's wife passed away from cancer and he was unable to be with us much to the sadness of many children. But today is a new day and again we hear the cheers of the children (and the abupt stops) as Ed magically controls the actions and imaginations of a crowd of more than five hundred children with simply a brightly colored ball being tossed in the air.
Click here to see some of the campers hanging out with Ed as he twists balloons and paints faces.