Smile and Wave Boys!

Skipper from the Madagascar penguins, says "Just smile and wave boys" but when it comes to wave talk at HPC, we're not talking cute hand gestures; we're talking iceberg cold water at the bottom of a several hundred foot drop giant water slide known as the Great Wave. Next to the zip line, this is probably the most intimidating activity that HPC has to offer. Only the bravest (or craziest) of kids take the plunge. The Wave also lays claim to the best screams and an instant wake-me-up solution that is better than coffee!

Patrick Musgrove and James Demerchant, two of our camp rookies and youngest of the bunch, show no fear and no hesitation in going for it on this adrenaline-rushed ride of insanity (as Pastor Josh, who is admitidly chicken, describes). Evan Granrud also weighs in on his pending doom in this video:

Video Link: More Great Wave action that includes Sarah, Erin, Ashley, Lauren, and Leah taking the plunge